Quote of the Day

Thursday, October 29, 2009

This is a great video for women of all ages!

However, it may even be more important for men to see!
Inner beauty vs. Outer beauty...you decide!
Dove Evolution

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Speak Symbolism Assignment:

Due: November 2

  1. You will not be given a specific assignment, but you will satisfy the following requirements:
    1. You will become your symbol.
    2. You will prepare a written component for your presentation.
    3. You will prepare a physical product (see suggestions below).
    4. You will write an "I AM" poem pertaining to you and hopefully show evidence of your symbol.
  2. Product Suggestions:
    1. Write an original poem with illustrations.
    2. Write and sing an original song.
    3. Write a newspaper article complete with newspaper title, additional articles or advertisements, and images.
    4. Write a monologue for your and your symbol.
    5. Create a scrapbook/photo album.
    6. Create a 12 song playlist with description of each song's relevance.
    7. Create a commercial.
    8. Create a Public Service Announcement.
    9. Build a physical representation of your symbol and you!
    10. Compose a 2 minute piece as a theme song and post on YouTube


0 = not done 1= unsatisfactory 2 = satisfactory 3 = good 4 = excellent


creativity     0 1 2 3 4

originality     0 1 2 3 4

organization     0 1 2 3 4

effort         0 1 2 3 4

thoroughness0 1 2 3     4

relevance    0 1 2 3    4

reflection     0 1 2 3    4

Proficiency in the following:

(Whichever apply…)

writing     0 1 2 3    4

speaking     0 1 2 3    4

technological    0 1 23 4

artistic    0 1 2 3 4

musical    0 1 2 3 4

other_________     0 1 2 3 4

Friday, October 23, 2009

October 26 - 30

English I: 1st and 4th

English II: 3A and 3B

Wednesday: 10-28-09 English I
1. Study Island:
2. Speak Symbolism Project!
Dictionary of Symbols
Photo Story (this is what I made my "Flashback" with...if not, we have Movie Maker)
Speaking Out: by Laurie Halse Anderson
Speak Lesson with ideas!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

October 19 - 23

English I: 1st and 4th Block

English II: 3A and 3B

Tutoring: Tuesday

Key Club Meeting: Wednesday

Tutoring: Thursday

Cougar Town: Friday

Stay Healthy!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Music As Poetry Worksheet

Name: _____________________

Assignment: Music as Poetry Project
Title: "_____________________________"
Artist: by __________________________

Font: _______________________________


You will be responsible for finding and printing out your lyrics (or handwriting them


The Artist: _______________________



Interpretation of the Song in General:



Interpretation: Speaker


Interpretation: Tone



Interpretation: Theme



Interpretation: Title Significance



Interpretation: Song Lyrics

Figures of Speech/Poetic Devices

Figure of Speech

Sample from Lyrics












Why this song?