Quote of the Day

Monday, August 30, 2010

AP - Week 2

Monday 8-30

Turn in your literary terms, address issues with MWDS, Gallery Walk with evaluations, and HW: "The Yellow Wallpaper" with questions and Vocabulary Sentences (due Wednesday) - MWDS (due Friday)

Tuesday 8-31

Literary Circles, Tests will be returned, Peer Editing,

Wednesday 9-1

Discussion of "The Yellow Wallpaper"

HW: Read "The Story of an Hour" and "Desiree's Baby" for Friday

Thursday 9-2

Sample AP Exam

Friday 9-3

Assign The Great Gatsby, Literary Terms Quiz, Peer Edit Assignment, and "Owls".
HW: "Owls" Essay, Chopin Short Stories, Gatsby Chapters 1-9 for Friday, and Peer Edit.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

AP - Week 1

Wednesday (8/25):

Test on summer reading, submission of summer reading, syllabus, letter to parents, information sheet (Due Friday), snapshot of course, and homework: close reading of TPB questions 1-8 due Thursday and take-home test due Friday

Thursday (8/26):

Submit and discuss close reading, discussion of syllabus, literary terms in TPB (first 4 in class) due Friday, and course expectations. Homework: finish literary terms, essay test, and placard for your product.

Friday (8/27):

Information sheet due, test due, assign MWDS (due Friday 9-3), and discussion of literary terms found in TPB. HW: finish placard

Next Week:

Gallery Walk of Products with placard, Literary Circles on TPB, Wrap-up of TPB, Sample AP Exam, Short Stories, and The Great Gatsby.